Sunday, February 8, 2009

1.11.09 Reunion in Milwaukee

Liana and some of her girlfriends decided it was time for a little get together. Over a month was just far too long to be apart. So we were off to Milwaukee, Lucy Gill’s hometown, for a Sunday afternoon reunion.

We met for lunch at TGI Friday’s inside Miller Park (home of the Brewers). Trev, Ben and Zach thought it was ‘so cool’ to be inside a baseball stadium in the winter. And they were genuinely excited about meeting the babies too.

After lunch and a few pitchers of beer (a tradition with this group of ours, and hey, we were in Milwaukee after all), we were off to the Mitchell Park Domes, Milwaukee’s indoor botanic garden.

Lucy and Liana had fun hanging out while Amy, and Elizabeth were on the move exploring. Sure was nice to see the real Amy, happy and healthy and on the go after being so ill in China.

The Franz and Fuhrman boys had a good time together, and Zach and Tim Franz, the proud ‘big little’ brothers, disappeared with their sisters for a little bonding time. It’s been pretty special to see our boys and the Franz boys embrace and enjoy their sisters so much.
It was really great to get together with these beloved friends, the Burna’s, the Franz’s, the Gill’s and Papa Jim. We clearly share a unique bond and common experience that will keep us connected for years to come.

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