Liana has been showered with love and gifts. She now officially has the cutest wardrobe ever assembled and has amassed a collection of toys have that have taken over the family room, living room, and a good part of the basement! We’re not sure who enjoys the toys more, Ben, Trev and Zach or Liana?
Life has taken on a new form of normal. The adjustment to being a family of 6 is well underway. We’re just loving this whole daughter thing and are well aware of the need to cherish every moment. Time definitely goes by fast and all we have to do is look at our boys as clear reminder.
Liana continues to be a genuine sweetheart. She's a very happy, silly and playful little girl. We’re amazed by her adaptability. She is willing she is try new things, meet new faces, and absorb her new world - at first with very serious and stoic observation, and eventually with smiles and silliness. She's fine with friends and extended family holding her - for brief sessions - and then reaches for Mom. She has fully bonded with Mommy (first), Daddy (second), and brothers (third). No attachment issues here! She's even saying, appropriately, Ma ma, Dada, ba-ul (bottle) and baba (bye bye). We are working on learning brother and dog names. She has a host of tricks like waving, clapping, so big, peek - but refuses to be a trained monkey and do them on command - only when she feels like it darn-it!
She's adventurous too. On a beautiful and snowy evening, Liana experienced her first tour of the Cuneo Garden's holiday light show and she loved it! She was mesmorized by all the colored lights and she bopped along to Christmas music while standing on Mommy's lap - and then discovered the dashboard of the van which trumped the lights altogether. The boys were very excited to share one of their favorite things (the lights not the dashboard) with their sister.
Liana's also discovered that she loves the mall, and I swear she gets excited when Mommy says ‘shopping’. She’s the best Fuhrman ever in the car seat, she loves to go ‘bye bye’ and take a the stroller for a spin. Everywhere she goes she smiles and gives her silly 4 tooth grin. She’s flirty and charming and seems to love all the attention she gets when greeting ‘her public’. We are a little concerned with her affinity for the mall and loud bar/restaurants (Micky Finn's for you locals).
She's eating everything and growing fast which has made mommy a recognizeable fixture at Babies R Us, Target and Jewel. Some clothes are already getting a bit tight, and she's getting a little 'frog' belly like her brother Zach had. She's also starting to sport a new spikey 'up-do' as her hair is starting to grow in on top.
Life with Liana and 'her boys' is great! We hope you all are having a joyful holiday season and wish you many blessing in the new year.
Beautiful family - Thanks for keeping us informed. Must be great to buy PINK. Next year she'll be playing baseball with the guys.
Aunt Jeana
What an incredible pleasure, Thank you for sharing your Joy!!
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